Several people asked where they can buy stickers and other items with the Naturist Symbol. Everybody is free to download the source file of the symbol and create any item with it, as long as you use it in the way it is intended: to promote naturism.

Sillybare shop (USA)

The designer got many questions too, so he started a webshop: Besides stickers the shop has a large variety of items with the symbol.

Stickers by fkkvipu (Europe)

Amalia and Günter are very enthousiast about the Naturist Symbol. They ordered a large amount of stickers (10 x 10 cm, black background) and sell them at a very low price. See their shop.

Naturist Symbol shop (world wide)

Erik is the webmaster of and the man doing most of the social media for the symbol. He created this webshop with Redbubble. They have production facilities in USA and Europe. Not all products are produced on both continents, so you might want to check the shipping costs for the product you are interested in.
Interesting is that some products come with a repeating pattern and others only come with one single print.
If you have questions about this shop, contact

We make a small profit (7%) on every sale, that we completely use to promote the symbol.

Naturisten Lehrpfad

Stefan from Naturisten Lehrpfad created this webshop with many Naturist Symbol items.
Production is in Germany. Shipping world wide.

Naturist Gear

Amy runs an Etsy webshop with many Naturist Symbol items.

Clothes Free Life

Their webshop with many items for naturists has a Naturist Symbol section as well.



If you sell products promoting the Naturist Symbol contact us at and you might get listed on this page as well.

Naturist Symbol